5 ways to avoid buying wardrobe orphans.

If you’re new around here, allow me to introduce you to ‘wardrobe orphans’.

What are they you ask? They’re those pesky pieces that hang about in your wardrobe, purchased in haste, on sale or because they fit ok, they are not wardrobe staples, they don’t wow you and therefore they never quite fit in. They’re hard to mesh with your other pieces and they don’t play nice, nor are they thought of kindly when choosing your outfit. They are the perennial non-starter, the forgotten items, never to be worn, forever the piece that you put on, but take straight off and never make it back out the front door.

Remind you of anything in your own wardrobe?

Wardrobe orphans are the most common pieces I work with clients to either style or detox from their wardrobes. Mostly though, they are detoxed, they never should have made it in the first place.

So how can you avoid buying wardrobe orphans to ensure you stop repeating the same mistakes. Here are some of the tried and true ways I encourage my clients AND use them on myself.

  1. Shop with a list – don’t leave home without one. It helps to streamline your shop, helping you to avoid spur of the moment decisions and keeps you on track to grab wearable outfits, rather than wardrobe orphans.
  2. Be critical – not of yourself (never yourself ok sisterhood), but of the garment. What does the fabric feel like, does the colour really work for you, or are you basing the decision on convenience. Does the length, style, cut, and colour work in your favour.
  3. Ask yourself what else you can wear this with – start with 3 other things you have in your wardrobe and go from there. Surprise yourself and try to make it work with seven other things!
  4. Is it telling your style story? Because sisterhood, your clothing should. It can be a gentle whisper or yelling it from the rooftops. Your style story is uniquely yours – what you wear, is telling the story of you, let it be the blockbuster of the year. If you need help to share your style story, I am so excited by my new service “SOS Style Story”, because it’s going to help make telling your story so much easier and take the stress out of getting dressed every day, so you can get on with the fun of living.
  5. Use these tips. Even when buying items on sale, before you accept a ‘freebie’ from a friend or buying second hand. Don’t add more weight to your wardrobe with items that don’t flatter, ensure you have fun or don’t tell your unique story.

PS – it’s super important to remember that from time to time you’re going to make a mistake, a wardrobe orphan may slip through your net. That’s ok gorgeous sisterhood. We all do it. But if I can minimise the impact of more wardrobe orphans being added to your wardrobe, even by one outfit, then my work here is done!

Do remember, I’m here to help with your own personal styling if you need more than just a blog to guide you. There’s lots of ways we can work together – online or in person. Book in a discovery call to chat about what would suit you best.

Mmmmmmwah, in style confidence, 

Love EJ, the Mother of the Sisterhood of Style x

Find out more about Sisterhood of Style by visiting my website www.sisterhoodofstyle.com

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